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Silex Community Update | August 24

New Features and Collaborative Successes

Alex Hoyau


Hello everyone!

This month, we’ve been busy with technical improvements and some exciting community updates. Let’s dive into the latest news!

🌟 Site of the Month: HY24 Partners

We’re thrilled to showcase the website of HY24 Partners, a leader in the hydrogen energy sector. Created by Internet 2000, this site is a stellar example of a high-performing, accessible website.

Here are the PageSpeed scores for desktop:

We’re proud to see Silex-powered sites achieving such high marks across the board!

🚀 September Development Updates

Our team has been making some important improvements this month:

  • Olivier is working on fixing FTP deployment issues that some users have been experiencing.

  • Alex has made Silex easier to use by improving keyboard navigation and fixing issues with saving your work. Now, navigating with your keyboard is smoother, and errors that appeared after saving have been resolved.

  • Special thanks to Jeremy Zhang for adding a new design block to Silex! It’s based on a cool plugin by @artur_arseniev for GrapesJS. If you're into drones, check out Jeremy’s projects here.

🎨 Community Contributions and Communication

Brice has been refining the design of our website with great input from Olivier on the text. We’re excited to announce that the new website will be live tomorrow! It’s your last chance to review it and suggest improvements before we go live. We’d love your feedback to make it the best it can be.

🔗 Silex Joins Libre Friends

We’re excited to share that Silex is now part of the Libre Friends family! Libre Friends is a new directory of free/libre open-source software, promoting software that respects user freedom. The directory is in its early stages, and we encourage developers to add their projects to the directory and display the list on their website or in their README files. If you know of any projects that should join, please let us know! Learn more about Libre Friends here.

🎉 GitHub Stars Milestone

Silex has just reached 2,200 stars on GitHub, and we’re closing in on 2,222! We want to celebrate in style and would love to hear your fun and creative ideas. Should we have a virtual party, host a special event, or maybe launch a new feature? Let us know what you think!

📢 Contributions Wanted

If you have 5 minutes to spare each month, come talk to us on the chat or forums. Together, we can make the best use of your time and contributions to improve Silex.

Feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions. We’re here to help!

Freely yours,
Alex Hoyau

Start Building With Silex!

Try Silex for as long as you like thanks to free/libre software. You can publish, host, and enjoy all the features.